Materials Needed:
Walnut Half Shells
Felt (gray, red, black)
cotton balls
black thread
small googly eyes

First clean out your walnut shells. It was necessary for me to sacrifice one half of each shell in order to extract a complete half of a shell. You may be a better nut cracker than me though 😉

Cut a length of ribbon for the hanger. Glue the ends together. Cut a triangle from the red felt. Glue two sides together, with the hanger inside, to make the Santa hat.

Glue to the top of the walnut. Make sure to leave enough room at the front of the walnut for the nose, whiskers, and eyes.
Unroll the cotton ball and pull out a length of cotton to use for Santa’s hat. Glue the cotton around the base of the hat covering up the seam between the felt and the walnut.

Pull off another small amount of cotton and glue it to the top of the Santa hat.

Time for the nose and eyes. Cut out a small circle from the black felt. Cut lengths of black thread for the whiskers. Glue on to the tip of the walnut. Glue on googly eyes.

Cut out small ears from the gray felt and glue on. Trace the bottom of the walnut onto the gray felt and cut out. Cut out the body shape and a tail at the same time.
Glue onto the bottom of the walnut and you’re done!
I made four little mice for our family and Bryce hung them on the tree for me today. Aren’t they cute??

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Linking up here, Home Stories A2Z, and My Repurposed Life.
Judy says
My kids are going to love this. I have to show it to them and I’m sure they are going to want to make these. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.
Lindsi B says
Cuteness to the max! I love it!!!! Cute little mouse. We’d love for you to share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays. http://www.toysinthedryer.com/2011/12/fun-stuff-fridays-4-3-weeks-long-for.html
Carrie says
Thank you for sharing them at Sharing Saturday, Trish! Merry Christmas!
Anonymous says
what a cute idea.. have such a fun I am your newest follower!! If you would like to follow me to that would be so wonderful! I actually have a giveaway going on right now. So you will have to check it out. Its $70.00 worth of mineral makeup…
shopannies says
so cute love them thanks for sharing come see what I shared at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Megan I sure haven’t but it sounds like I need to! Thanks for letting me know about them and have fun with the craft. Merry Christmas!
E @ Act Fast Chef says
I love this! It reminds me of my childhood too. thank you for sharing 🙂 Stopping by from the Southern Institute linky
Amanda says
Just stopping by to let you know that I have featured your project on Fun Family Crafts! You can see it here
If you have other kid friendly crafts, I’d love it if you would submit them 🙂 If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above.
Amy says
so cute…
Midweek Fiesta
Decorating Challenge-Buttercream Icing
Carrie says
So cute! My grandmother use to make some like these. I would love it if you would link up at http://craftymomsshare.blogspot.com/2011/12/sharing-saturday-10.html. Thank you!
Amy says
Too stinkin’ cute! Love these! Would you link them up?
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Karan Thank you! My son just moved them to his little tree in his room 🙂 He likes them!
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Cheryl Thanks Cheryl! Don’t forget the nutcracker! (Actually I used some tools from the garage 😉 )
Karan says
Oh my those are just the cutest little mice. Love them.
Cheryl says
So darling! Must go find some walnuts! Squeak squeak! I’m pinning this…