Here is the first pom pom craft as promised! So I’m hoping that you’ve had time to practice your pom pom skills…no?!? Well grab a skein of yarn and get busy! You can refer back to my tutorial here.

This snowman requires three pom poms in graduating sizes – a 1 finger, a 2 finger, and a 3 finger. Does that sound strange to anyone? It does to me and I came up with the terminology – sorry!

Let’s start with the nose and mouth. Cut out a triangle from an orange piece of foam. Hot glue the carrot nose onto the middle of the smallest pom pom. For the mouth, I cut a piece of black yarn and pulled the strands apart and then glued it on with Elmer’s Glue All.

Next comes the two eyes made out of coal. Obviously this is not Frosty because I opted for a carrot nose instead of a button but you could totally use a button. For the eyes I knotted up some black yarn and kept tying more knots until I got the size I was looking for. These I glued on with hot glue.

For the hat I decided to stick with the yarn theme and crochet him a little hat. For those of you who don’t crochet, another fun way to do this would be to make the hat using the technique that I outlined here. Just make the hat black and hot glue some sort of hook to the top of the hat. (If you do crochet and are interested in the pattern just leave me a comment. I just kind of made it up on the fly but I can recreate 😉 )
So here he is all cute with his little hat but he’s looking a little chilly. I thought about crocheting a scarf – next time! I used a ribbon instead and I think he looks adorable!
Two great things about this snowman:
1. He weighs hardly anything and so even on a fresh tree he doesn’t weigh down the limb – love that!
2. Can’t be broken!!!! Super awesome especially since Bryce was swinging his blankie around two nights ago and shattered an ornament – ouch!

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Linking up here, Home Stories A2Z, and My Repurposed Life.
Jennifer @ The Brilliant Crafty Type says
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
Olivia says
ps also a new follower
Olivia says
Very cute! I just pinned it to my Christmas pin board. Thanks for the idea!
Anonymous says
That is such a super cute idea, and it looks really fun!
Sassy Sites! says
CUTE!! I would love for you to come by Sassy Sites and link this up at our Snowman party! 🙂
OneMommy says
How cute is that! I am not going to lie, I won’t be crocheting a hat, but I might try the snowman!
G Inspires says
There are very cute! Thanks for sharing! I’m your newest blogger via The Creative Spark!
Melanie @ bear rabbit bear says
He is too cute! Thanks for linking to Things I’ve Done Thursday!
WhyCuzICan says
What a charming snowman ornament 😀 You are right, when ornaments are heavy, they can wreck havoc on a live tree- this is a great solution 😀
Visiting from My Romantic Home’s linky party,
Smiles and thanks for sharing,
Suzanne at WhyCuzICan in NW Illinois
abeachcottage says
What a cute guy! Lovely tutorial, thanks for sharing 🙂
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Kela Bela Oh no! You have to tie it SUPER tight! Let me know what happens when you give it a try again 🙂 (without kids!)
Kela Bela says
I love these little guys. I followed your pompom tutorial from last week, yet I sadly failed! ALthough I thought I tied the knot as tight as I could, once I started cutting, I realized it wasn’t tight enough. I will be trying again though (when I don’t have kids climbing all over me!)
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Creative Steph Hehe! That’s too funny! I’m so glad you are making them – aren’t they cute?? My kids just love the snowman. He keeps being taken off of the tree and played with 🙂 Have fun this weekend!
Creative Steph says
Mine’s the same! LoL but it looked so big compared to yours. I’m going to have some kids over this w/e & they will assemble them & take them home, so thanks for a fun project!
Trish@MomOnTimeout says
@Creative Steph Oh my! I just measured and my snowman is about 7 inches with the hat and about 5 3/4 inches without. How big did yours turn out? If you want it smaller you know you can always trim the pom pom down.